Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Domestic Goddess Does It Again!

Baking Gingerbread Bears
Don't worry, I haven't made any more mistakes with weights and chicken! I am in fact very pleased with myself right now. Adam and myself recently bought and ate a gingerbread man each from the little deli shop over the road. It was very tasty but at about $4 per gingerbread man I decided that I could probably do just as good a job but for a lot less. Possibly a case of 'famous last words' but I thought that being the 'Domestic Goddess' that I am, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Armed with my ingredients list I went to stock up on the few bits and pieces that I needed and also to buy some gingerbread men cutters. Knowing how much 'crap' there is in the kitchen, I felt certain that I wouldn't need to buy a rolling pin. There is after all every kind of utensil, dish, bowl etc that you could possibly think of (some of which, I'm not actually sure what they are supposed to be used for!)

Once in the shop, I found all the ingredients that I needed and then went to look for the cutters. I couldn't believe it, they didn't have any gingerbread men cutters! However, I was soon able to overcome my dismay when I noticed some teddy bear cutters! Fantastic, I can make gingerbread bears :)

Once home, I began to measure out and organise my ingredients and equipment. No bloody rolling pin, would you believe it?! I had to nip back out over the road to buy one. Anyway... the recipe was pretty straight forward to follow and I remembered the greasing the baking tray and coating it with a light dusting of flour trick that mum showed me when I was little.

The recipe seemed to make rather a lot of bears but that's ok, because I'm going to send some into the office with Adam. He tells me that they will be gratefully received and eaten.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, well done Becs! The bears look wonderful - are they smarties for the buttons? Glad I was able to come in use for the greasing of the pan. I wish I could eat one they look so tasty.
    Love Mum xxxx
    PS well done from Dadx
