Thursday, May 7, 2009

On The Way To Becoming A Domestic Goddess?!

Being A Lady Of Leisure
I'm now officially a lady of leisure, a homemaker, a housewife, whatever you want to call it! Since arriving in Sydney I feel that I have started on the road to becoming a 'Domestic Goddess'. This happened quite by accident, I'm afraid to say.

On Monday I decided that it would be really nice to cook Adam a traditional home cooked meal ready for when he arrived home from work, Something I feel a 'Domestic Goddess' would do. I decided that a chicken stew was the perfect meal and something that I know Adam enjoys.

Of course I needed to head to the supermarket. Well, technically we don't have a supermarket it's more a case of Butcher, Baker (no Candlestick Maker), farmer's market and a store reminiscent of Kwick Save that's good for tins and packets etc. Sadly in the UK I'm a Tesco girl through and through and so have never gone to separate shops when buying ingredients for a meal, particularly a Butcher's shop!

Now what is a girl to do when faced with having to ask for a particular weight of meat?! Try and think of Tesco. How much did the meat weigh there in the packets I used to buy? Can't remember! Ok so how much did I pay? About £3/4 for some diced chicken, I think! Ok, so I look at the prices and see that 1kg of diced chicken is about $14 which is about £7. Perfect, I'll order 1kg as I want enough chicken for my stew and for a chicken curry that I want to cook tomorrow.

Oh dear, the bag of chicken looks rather large... never mind, I'm sure it will be fine!

(I've since discovered that the pack I used to buy from Tesco was only 400g, Oooops!)

Once I'd visited all the other necessary shops for my ingredients I returned home and started preparing. Oh no! It really is rather a lot of chicken. After preparing my stew and looking at the remaining chicken, I decide it's far too much for my chicken curry tomorrow. Can't waste it... I know, I'll whip up a chicken soup and freeze it for another day, perfect.

Adam returned home to find me cooking up a storm! I had two portions of soup in Tupperware containers ready for the freezer, the stew was ready to serve and I had chicken ready for the curry tomorrow. Urrmmmm, there seems to be a lot of stew, no matter, I'll put the remaining stew into Tupperware containers and freeze that too! (There was also some chicken curry left the next night, that also went into the freezer) I now have a well stocked freezer with yummy chicken meals in it ready for me to take out, heat up and serve, I'm very pleased with myself. I managed to turn a chicken disaster into a triumph. I just need to remember when to take the meals out so that they can defrost in time.

Next I feel that I should tackle home baking, that really will turn me into a 'Domestic Goddess' I'll keep you posted on my progress. Maybe I'll even manage to make cupcakes!!


  1. Am most impresses with your cooking talents .... all you needed was a nice large kitchen so that you didnt have to do the "dance of the kitchen" when cooking. Here's to the cupcakes!!!

  2. Hope you are well stocked up with Cookery books ! Another possible addiction if you haven't many already. I'm sure Adam is suitably appreciative but can you master the KFC batter !!
    Ann x x

  3. I wanna home made cup cake!!!!!!!!

  4. What's on the menu today then.....chicken?
    I'll have you making pastry yet....!!!!!
    Love Mum

  5. HI Bex
    Never forget 1Kg = 2.2 Lbs
    Lots of chicken!!!!
    Glad to see that your looking after the working man
    LOL Uncle John
