Monday, September 21, 2009

Ridiculous Road Rules (The police slip up!)

Yes, this is really true!
It was reported on the news today that a bogus ‘no left turn sign’ had been erected at the end of a Sydney street. Police had apparently been strictly enforcing this new sign since earlier this year! The strict enforcement had caused many innocent drivers to be fined and have points put onto their licence!

Residents of the street had been petitioning for years to have a ‘no left turn’ sign to stop the rat run that forms in the morning along their road. There is also a school and a nursery down the road and residents have been worried about the safety of pedestrians.

The Headteacher of the school was interviewed saying he thought it had been a long time coming and less accidents had occurred since the signs appeared. He even said that the children of the school had thanked the Mayor for the sign and the Mayor had readily accepted the thanks!

Police have now sent a message out to all drivers caught, to say that they can come and get a refund and lose the points they received on their licence. There is now an investigation going on to find out how the signs got there and who is responsible. They will possibly be charged with being a public nuisance! Quite ironic when you think about it!

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